Dr. Mary Aiken Research & Publications

Publications, Proceedings, Reports, Books, Chapters & Articles

Rich MS, Aiken M.P. (2024) An Interdisciplinary Approach to Enhancing Cyber Threat Prediction Utilizing Forensic Cyberpsychology and Digital Forensics. Forensic Sciences; 4(1):110-151.

Lundie, M., Aiken, M.P., Amos-Binks, A., Lindke, K. & Janosek, J. (2024) The Enterprise Strikes Back: Conceptualizing the HackBot - Reversing Social Engineering in the Cyber Defense Context. Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

Martineau, M.; Spiridon, E.; Aiken, M. P. (2023) Comprehensive Framework for Cyber Behavioral Analysis Based on a Systematic Review of Cyber Profiling Literature. Forensic Sci., 3, 452-477.

Aiken, M. P.,  Davidson, J.,  & Moran, M. (2024). Cyber Honey Pot to Chatbot Deterrence Prototypes: A Forensic Cyberpsychology Approach to Tackling Juvenile Cyber Delinquency and Criminality. Manuscript in preparation.

Aiken, M. P., Davidson, J. C., Walrave, M., Ponnet, K. S., Phillips, K., & Farr, R. R. (2024). Intention to Hack? Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour to Youth Criminal Hacking. Forensic Sciences, 4(1), 24-41.

Aiken, M. P., Davidson, J. C.,  Kirichenko, A., & Markatos, E.P. (2023). Human Drivers of Cybercrime in E.P. Markatos (Ed.), Drivers, Trends, and Technology Evolution in Cybercrime (pp. 51-92). CC-Driver.

Davidson, J., Aiken, M. P., Phillips, K. and Farr, R. (2022). European Youth Cybercrime, Online Harm and Online Risk Taking: 2022 Research Report. London, United Kingdom Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.

Phillips, K., Davidson, J. C., Farr, R. R., Burkhardt, C., Caneppele, S. &Aiken, M. P. (2022). Conceptualizing Cybercrime: Definitions, Typologies and Taxonomies. Forensic Sciences. 2 (2), pp. 379-398

Aiken, M. P.,& Donaldson, S. (2022) "Safety Tech: Towards a Safer Nation" Paladin Capital Group. Washington DC

Aiken, M.P., Farr, R., & Witschi, D. (2022)  Cyberchondria, Coronavirus and Cybercrime: A Perfect Storm in H. Aker & M.P Aiken (Eds)  Cyberchondria, Health Literacy, and the Role of Media in Society’s Perception of Medical Information. IGI Global.

Aiken, M. P., Donaldson, S., & Tinnelly, C. (2021). (rep.). Pathways to Online Hate: Behavioural, Technical, Economic, Legal, Political & Ethical Analysis. London, United Kingdom: University of East London.

Aiken, M. P.& Amann, P. (2021) "The Cyber Blue Line" (Publisher Europol)

Aiken, M. P.& Gawande, S. (2021). Cyberpsychiatry: Nature, Structure and Science of Cyberspace: In S.Bhave (Ed.), Cyberpsychiatry. Nagpur, India.

Coleman, K, Aiken, M, P & Keegan, D, et al.,  (2021) "A New Smartphone Optic Nerve Head Biometric for Verification and Change Detection" Journal of Translational Vision Science & Technology (TVST).

Aiken, M. P.  et al., (2021)  Video Sharing Platform Research on the Protection of Minors Literature Review and Taxonomy (Publisher Ofcom)

Aiken, M. P. (2020) ‘The Social Diatribe.’ The Psychologist (33)

Donaldson, S., Davidson, J., &Aiken, M. P. (2020) Safer technology, safer users: The UK as a world-leader in Safety Tech. Online Safety Technology Sectoral Analysis. Report prepared for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport UK.

Aiken, M. P. (2019). Life in Cyberspace. (EIB 'Big Ideas' series - Book 5) Kindle edition. European Investment Bank.

Aiken, M. P. (2019, June). (Contributor to European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services Academy 2018 Workshop)

Aiken, M. P. (2019, March). (Contributor to report by Northstar Research and Arm ) Youth on Tech.

Aiken, M. P. (2018, October 30) Life in Cyberspace. Retrieved from

Aiken, M. P. (2018, July 10) Manipulating Fast, and Slow. The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Retrieved from

Aiken, M. P. (2018, April 30) Mass Killing and Technology: The Hidden Links. The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Retrieved from

Aiken, M. P. (2018, April) "Psychologists and the Media." The Psychologist p46 - 47. Retrieved from

Aiken, M. P. (2018, April) "Cyber Cipherer" The Bar Review (23) 2. Retrieved from

Aiken, M.P & O'Sullivan B. (2018, February 13) Opening Statement to the Oireachtas Joint Committee. Retrieved from

DeMarco, J.,  Cheevers, C.,  Davidson, J., Bogaerts, S.,  Pace, U.,  Aiken, M.P., Caretti, V.,  Schimmenti, A., & Bifulco, A. (2017) Digital dangers and cyber-victimisation: a study of European adolescent online risky behaviour for sexual exploitation. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 14 (1). pp. 104-112. ISSN 1724-4935

Davidson, J., DeMarco, J., Bifulco, A., Bogaerts, S., Caretti, V., Aiken, M. P., Cheevers, C., Corbari, E,. Scally, M., Schilder, J., Schimmenti, A., Puccia, A. (2016)

Aiken, M. P., Davidson, J., Amann, P. (2016) 'Youth Pathways into Cybercrime' (Report) Retrieved from

Aiken, M. P. (2016). Develop and Thrive in a Real-Life CyberPsychology Career. In Zafar, R  (Ed.),

Aiken, M. P. (2016, September). (Reviewer and contributor to the Royal Society Report  “Progress and research in cybersecurity. Supporting a resilient and trustworthy system for the UK”).  Retrieved from

Aiken, M. P. (2016). EC3 Cooperation with Academia: Understanding Cyber Behaviour. The   European Cybercrime Centre Bulletin, 30-31.

Aiken, M. P. (2016). Not Kidding. Freud’s The Brewery Journal: Cybercrime, (6), 49–52.  Retrieved from

Aiken, M. P. (2016). Foreword. In J. Suler,

Aiken, M. P.& Chan S. (2015) Cyber Criminology: Algorithmic vs Heuristical Approaches for Analysis within the Human Trafficking Domain. International Journal of Advancements in Technology.

Aiken, M.P., Mc Mahon, C., Haughton, C., O’Neill, L. & O’Carroll, E. (2015).  A consideration of the social impact of cybercrime: Examples from hacking, piracy, and child abuse material online. Journal of Crime and Society for Contemporary Social Science, Academy of Social Sciences.

Mc Mahon, C. &Aiken, M. P. (2015). Introducing digital wellness: Bringing cyberpsychological balance to healthcare and information technology.

Aiken, M. P. (2015). The CSI: Cyber effect. The Psychologist. British Psychological Society. Retrieved October 20, 2015, from

Haughton, C., Aiken, M. P., & Cheevers, C. (2015). Cyber babies. The impact of emerging technology on the developing child.

Aiken, M.P. (2015). Be Smarter than your Smartphone. RCSI Surgical Scope

Aiken, M.P., & Berry, M. (2015). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Possibilities for Olfaction and Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy. Virtual Reality Journal. 19 (2), 95-109

Aiken, M.P. (2015). Forensic cyberpsychology: a content analysis approach to investigating and comprehending the self-production of indecent images by minors. (Law Enforcement Protocol: Restricted Publication), Middlesex University

Aiken, M.P.,& Mc Mahon, C. (2014). The CyberPsychology of Internet Facilitated Organised Crime, Europol Organised Crime Threat Assessment Report (iOCTA). Retrieved October 5 from

O’Neill, B., Aiken, M.P., Caffrey, M., Carthy, J., Lupton, R., Lynch, A. & O’Sullivan, K. (2014). Report of the Internet Content Governance Advisory Group. Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Ireland. Retrieved

Mc Mahon, C., &Aiken, M.P. (2014). Privacy as identity territoriality: Re-conceptualising behaviour in cyberspace. Working paper. Dublin, Ireland.  Retrieved from

Aiken, M.P.,& Mc Mahon, C. (2014). A primer on research in mediated environments: Reflections on cyber methodology. Working paper. Dublin, Ireland. Retrieved from

Berry, M. &Aiken, M. P. (2014). “In Search of Annie: A Study of Viewers’ Feedback to the Crime Documentaries Highlighting Famous Irish Murder and Missing Persons”. Universal Journal of Psychology, 2(1), pp.41–46.

Aiken, M. P., & Kirwan, G. H. (2013). “The Psychology of Cyberchondria and ‘‘Cyberchondria by Proxy’’. In A. Power & G. Kirwan (Eds.)

Aiken, M. P.,& Kirwan. G. (2012). “Prognoses for Diagnoses: medical search online and “cyberchondria”.” BMC Proceedings. Vol. 6. No. Suppl 4. BioMed Central, 2012

Aiken, M. P., Kirwan, G. H., Berry, M. J., & O Boyle, C. A. (2012). “The Age of Cyberchondria”. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Student Medical Journal 2012; 5: 71-74

Aiken, M. P., Moran, M., & Berry, M. J. (2011). “Child abuse material and the Internet: Cyberpsychology of online child-related sex offending”. Report to INTERPOL. Retrieved from INTERPOL Global Learning Research Centre:

Aiken, M. P. (2011).  “Prognoses for Diagnoses: Medical Search Online and “Cyberchondria by Proxy”. The Irish Psychologist, 37 (6), 2.

Conferences and Inivted Lectures

Selection of recent talks

Aiken, M. P (2023) “The Cyber Behavioral Sciences” Lightening Talk, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Proposers' Day 28 February 2023: Re-imagining Security with Cyberpsychology-Informed Network Defenses (ReSCIND) (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2022) “The Intersection of eSafety Technologies and Human Behaviour” G7 Multi-Stakeholder Conference on eSafety, German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, Berlin, Germany (Virtual)
Aiken, M. P., & Davidson, J. (2022) Europol EC3 Briefing: European Youth Cybercrime Survey Descriptive Findings (2022). The Hague NL (Virtual)  

Aiken, M. P (2022) “The Utility of Cyberpsychology & Forensic Cyberpsychology Center for CyberPsychology,” School of Criminology & Behavioural Sciences Rashtriya Raksha University, India (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2022) “Introduction to the Cyber Behavioral Sciences” Digital Transformation Conference. Santiago Chile (Virtual)

Aiken et al., (2022) INTERPOL 'Human & Technical Drivers of Cybercrime Expert Workshop'  Global Law Enforcement. Wednesday 6 April 2022. Dissemination of CC-Driver research (European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program project).

Aiken, M. P (2021) Cyberpsychology Informed Future Shocks 2022 (December 10 )  European Parliament Risk and Capability Seminar 2021. (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2021) "Cyberpsychology of Technology in Higher Education: The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown" (December 02) 2021 City University of New York (CUNY) Virtual IT Conference.

Aiken, M. P (2021) Online Safety Technology: Towards a Global Market (November 29 )  UK Government (DCMS) Future Tech Forum. Science Museum, London, UK.

Aiken, M. P (2021) “The Value of Safety Tech” (November 16 )  G7 Safety Tech Summit. (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2021) “Technology, Human Behavior and Criminology: Future Cyber Crime” (November 18)  Danish Crime Prevention Council Government Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Aiken, M. P (2021) "The Cyber Blue Line"(September 30) Europol European Police Chiefs Convention 2021 (EPCC) The Hague, Netherlands.

Aiken, M. P (2021) "Modelling Human Behaviour: Towards a Theory of Planned Behaviour of Cybercrime (TPBCc) "(July 15) CC Driver/Rayuela Cluster Webinar. (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P & Davidson, J. (2021) "Cybercriminology & Cyberpsychology: Transdisciplinary by Design "(July 8) University of East London.

Aiken, M. P (2021) "Safety Tech 2021 unleashing the potential for a safer Internet"(June 14) CogX Festival 2021. (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2021) “The Cyber Effect: How Human Behaviour Changes Online” (11 May) Centrify Global Cybercast (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2021) 'Forensic Cyberpsychology: How Anonymity Normalizes the Abnormal' (March 2). The Cyber5 Podcast. Retrieved from https://www.nisos.com/podcast/ep40/

Aiken, M. P (2021) “SafetyTech and Your Expanded Attack Surface: Complementary Approaches to Cybersecurity to Protect your People Online”  (21 January) TEISSTalk: Cracking Cybersecurity (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2020) “Minding the skills gap – alternative approaches to attracting and retaining talent in difficult times”  (24 November) How businesses already have an unsustainable basic technical information security gap, and how this is likely to have been exacerbated by the pandemic. The European Information Securit Summit (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2020) "Online Safety Technology: Towards a Global Market" (5 November) UN Internet Governance Forum 2020. (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2020) Cyberpsychology: Anxiety & Covid-19" Science for Peace and Health  Conference. Fondazione Umberto Veronesi. Milan. (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2020)  "SafetyTech: Towards a Safer Nation" (October 23) Annual Paladin Cybersecurity Roundtable (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2020)  "Cyber Leadership: Embracing Ambiguity, Uncertainty & Change" (9 June) Webinar Chief Marketer Institute Europe. (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2020)  "Safer technology, safer users: U.K. Online Safety Technology  Sectoral Analysis (21 May) U.K. Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport   Investor Roundtable (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2020)  "Safety Tech Investors Roundtable" (21 May ) UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) (Virtual)

Aiken, M. P (2019)  "Online Harms – from Harassment to Misinformation" (13  December) Paladin Capital Cyber Security Symposium, Washington DC, USA.

Aiken, M. P (2019)  "The Cyber Effect" (12  October) University Politehnica of  Bucharest, Romania.

Aiken, M. P (2019) "Perpetrators and Predators: a cybersecurity paradox" (24   September) Sibos. London.

Aiken, M. P (2019) "Using the medium of T.V. to teach people the psychology of  Cyberspace" (8 August) American Psychological Association (APA) 2019 Convention. Chicago, USA.

Aiken, M. P (2019). "Forecasting and Planning for the Future" (4 July) INTERPOL  World Conference. Singapore.

Aiken, M. P (2019). "Cyber Effects: Implications for China." (17 June) Launch of the Chinese edition of the Cyber Effect. Beijing, China.

Aiken, M. P (2019). "Cyber risk-taking, delinquency and criminality: youth pathways into cybercrime" (15 June) Global Conference on Youth and Cybercrime. Hong  Kong.

Aiken, M. P (2019). "Tackling Illegal Content Online" (16 May) Department of Justice and Equality. Dublin, Ireland.

Aiken, M. P (2019). 'Security in Cyberspace' (23 May) Paladin Capital: Cybersecurity Executive Workshop, Cybersecurity Competence Center Luxembourg.

Aiken, M. P (2019). "On Cyberspace" (15 April) LOTE 2018. Bratislava, Slovakia.

Aiken, M. P. (2018) ‘The Challenge of Insider Threat’ Cybersecurity Session at the Swiss International Finance Forum on October 25, 2018, in Zurich, Switzerland.

Aiken, M. P. (2018). “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Society”  BBC, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI) and the University of Cambridge. BBC Broadcasting House, Marylebone, London, UK.

Aiken, M. P. (2018) ‘Humans, Machines and the Psychological Impact of AI in Finance’ European Investment Roundtable. 26-28 September. Copenhagen: Denmark.

Aiken, M. P. (2018) “AI & Cyber Effects on Healthcare” Spark Summit at the Royal College of Surgeons. 5th October. Dublin Ireland.

Aiken, M. P. (2018). "When Humans and Technology Collide" (April 30) Collision Web Summit. New Orleans USA.

Aiken, M. P. (2018). “Rebooting Tech for a Human-Centered Approach” (March 8-18) SXSW Festival Austin Texas USA.

Aiken, M. P. (2017). “How Cyber has Changed the World Around Us” (18 October) National  Cryptologic Museum Foundation Annual Symposium John Hopkins University MD USA

Aiken, M. P. (2017). "The Future of Cyber criminality and Artificial Intelligence” (July 5) ENISA - European Parliament MEP’s Strasburg, France

Aiken, M. P. (2017). "Hacking the Human" (27 June) Cyber Week – Tel Aviv University, Israel

Aiken, M. P. (2017)."The Cyberpsychology of Cybercrime" (7 June) Norfolk State University USA

Aiken, M. P. (2017). "The Cyber Effect" (31 May) Hay Festival Wales

Aiken, M. P. (2017). " Hacking Human Attention: The Ethics of Persuasive Technology" (26, May) The Oxford Union

Aiken, M. P. (2017). "The Cyber Effect: The Impact of Technology on Humankind" (22, May) Innotown Conference Norway.

Aiken, M. P. (2017). "The Cyber Effect: The Impact of Technology on Humankind" (5 April) Geary Institute for Public Policy University College Dublin.

Aiken, M. P. (2017) "The Future of Cyber Crime” (28 February ) The AIA 8th Ambassadors’ Roundtable On Cyber Security, Royal Society London.

Aiken, M. P. (2017) “Forensic Cyberpsychology: Impact of Technology on Human Behaviour’ (10 January ) ‘DUBAI HEALTH FORUM 2017’ Dubai.

Aiken, M. P. (2017).  Where is the Digital Revolution Taking Us?  (24 November) EU Safer Internet Forum 2016 Luxemburg.

O’Sullivan. B & Aiken, M. P. & Shanahan, N. (2016) "The Future of Cyber Crime’ (16 November) The End is Nigh #2 - Automatic Disqualification: Will AI Mean The End of Work, or The End of Humans? Science Gallery, Dublin.

Aiken, M. P. (2016). Irelands Cyber Resiliency (20  October). Dublin InfoSec 2016, Independent News and Media.                                                  

Aiken, M. P. (2016). Human Factors in Cybersecurity (18 October). United States Naval Academy Centre for Cyber Security Studies. Annapolis USA.    

Cheevers, C., Aiken, M.P., & Haughton, C (2016) Risk Factors Associated with   Increased  Likelihood of Youth Receiving ‘Red Flag’ Online Sexual Solicitations. 21st  Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference (Cypsy21) June 27-29. Dublin Ireland.                 

Aiken, M. P. (2016). Human Factors in Cybersecurity (18 October). United States Naval Academy Centre for Cyber Security Studies. Annapolis USA.                                   

Aiken, M. P. (2016). “The Rights of a Child in Cyber Contexts” . Panel discussion with Sharon Stone actor and peace activist, Rob Wainwright Director of Europol, Victor Ochen, UN Global Goals Ambassador for Peace and Justice, and his excellency Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Hague Netherlands.                   

Aiken, M. P. (2016). Chair:  “Encryption and Anonymity Online: Advantages and Challenges” (19 -20 May 2016 ). ‘Privacy in the Digital Age of Encryption and Anonymity Online Conference’ Europol,  & ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security),  & EIPA (European Institute of Public Administration ). The Hague. 

Aiken, M. P. (2016). “The Psychology of Cyberspace” (21 April 2016 ). IDA Annual Scientific Conference. Galway. Ireland.

Aiken, M. P. (2016). “Cyber Babies to Sexting Teens: The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child” (20 April 2016 ). The Special Interest Group for Child and Adolescent Psychology.The Psychological Society of Ireland. Dublin. Ireland.

Aiken, M. P. (2016). “Youth Pathways into Cybercrime” (7 April 2016 ). European Cyber Crime Academic Advisory Network Conference 2016. Europol. The Hague.

Aiken, M. P. (2016). “The CyberPsychology of Privacy” (18 April  2016). Technology & Democracy Symposium. University of Cambridge. Cambridge. UK.

Aiken, M. P. (2016). “Human Factors in Cybersecurity” (24 March 2016 ). Paladin Strategic Advisory Group Conference. Washington. USA.

Aiken, M. P., Harding, D., Hancock, M., Saunders, J.  & Nish, A. (2016). Is the War on Cybercrime Winnable?  (10 March 2016). Freuds Panel: ITV Business Editor Joel Hills (chair), Baroness Dido Harding (CEO, TalkTalk), Matt Hancock MP, Dr Mary Aiken (CyberPsychologist), Dr Jamie Saunders (Director of the National Cyber Crime Unit) and Dr Adrian Nish (Head of Cyber Threat Intelligence, BAE Systems), (10 March 2016 ). Skyloft, Millbank Tower. London. UK.

Aiken, M. P. (2016). “Cyber Leadership” (11 February 2016). UCD Women in Leadership. University College Dublin. Dublin. Ireland.

Aiken, M. P., Mahen, M., Burrows, M., Tomchak, D. & Dredge, S. (2015). “The Guardian presents: turning clicktivism into activism” (04 November 2015). Web Summit 2015, Dublin, Ireland.

Aiken, M. P. & Moire, J. F. (2015). “Space & time: The true potential of VR” (04 November). Web Summit 2015, Dublin, Ireland.

Aiken, M. P. & Faller, G. (2015). “Me, My Selfie & I” (03 November). Web Summit 2015, Dublin, Ireland. Retrieved December 10 2015 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvJDskRW3lI

Aiken, M. P. (2015). “The CyberPsychology of CyberCrime” (03 November). Web Summit 2015, Dublin, Ireland. Retrieved December 10 2015 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tosMOvb4ODE

Aiken, M. P. (2015). “The CyberPsychology of Cyber Security” (16th July). Launchbox symposium at Trinity College Dublin – Accelerator for Student Start Ups.

Aiken, M. P. (2015). “Loyola Marymount University Steed Symposium on Cyber Security: Is There a Safe Box in the Cloud”. (15th June). Los Angeles Film Festival. Los Angeles. USA

Aiken, M. P. (2015). “CyberPsychology – The Impact of Technology on Human Behavior” (11th June). Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology (S&T) Directorate (ITTC), Menlo Park, CA

Aiken, M. P. (2015). “CyberPsychology – Research & Development” (6th May). Kore University of Enna, Sicily.

Aiken, M. P. (2015). “CyberPsychology: Leadership in Cyberspace” (4th May). The United States Military Academy West Point, New York.

Aiken, M. P. (2015). (25th April). “Cyber Staging: Implications for Justice in an Age of Technology.” The Irish Criminal Bar Association (ICBA), Kings Inns, Dublin.

Aiken, M. P. (2015). Public Seminar on “Cyber Crime affecting personal safety, privacy, and reputation, including cyber-bullying.” (22nd April) Law Reform Commission, President’s Hall, Law Society of Ireland, Dublin 7.

Aiken, M. P. (2015). “Cyberpsychology of the impact of emerging technology on the developing youth.” TEDX Talk. The High School Dublin. (18th April). Zion Road, Dublin 6.

Aiken, M.P. (2015). “Cyberpsychology on a world stage.” (26th March).  IADT Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology. Dublin. Ireland

Aiken, M. P. (2015). “Introduction to Forensic CyberPsychology.” EC3 Academic Advisory Network (EC3AAN) (12th April). The European Cyber Crime Centre EC3 at Europol, The Hague. The Netherlands

Aiken, M. P. (2015). “Cyber-securing the Human.” 5th World Cybersecurity Technology Research Summit. (19th March) Queens University Belfast.

Aiken, M. P.  (2015). “Introduction to CyberPsychology.” UCD Psychology Society Student Affairs Seminar. (11th February). University College Dublin.

Aiken, M. P. (2015).” The RCSI CyberPsychology Research Centre”.  MIT Media Lab. (16th January) Boston.

Aiken, M. P. (2014, October). “Prognoses for Diagnoses: Medical Search Online and “Cyberchondria by Proxy” RCSI ICHAMS conference Dublin

Aiken, M. P. (2014, September). ‘Cyber Etiquette: Practicing dignity and respect in cyber contexts” RCSI Induction Programme Dublin

Aiken, M. P. (2014, October).  “Youth Escalation Online: Cyber Behavioral Analysis – Preliminary Results” INTERPOL Specialists Group Conference 2014 Bermuda

Aiken, M.P. (2014, September). Cyber Organised Crime. [Discussant] Europol 2014 European Police Chiefs Convention, 24-25th September. The Hague, The Netherlands.

Aiken, M. P. (2014, September). The Psychology of Cyberspace, CBS Board of Directors, Los Angeles.

Aiken, M.P. (2014, June). Cyberpsychology of cyber security. Video Presentation. Cyber Endeavour 2014 Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, United States.

Aiken, M.P. (2014, May). Royal Society Cybersecurity Research Project: Interdisciplinary Research Methodology Seminar [Discussant] London: The British Academy, London, United Kingdom.

Aiken, M.P. (2014, April). The cyberpsychology of cybercrime. 15th International Conference of the International Academy of Investigative Psychology, London Southbank University, United Kingdom.

Aiken, M.P. (2014, March). The cyberpsychology of cybersecurity. 4th World Cyber Security Technology Research Summit. Queen’s University, Belfast: Belfast, Northern Ireland. Retrieved from http://www.csit.qub.ac.uk/News/Events/Belfast2014/Keynotes/MaryAikenRoyalCollegeofSurgeonsinIreland/

Aiken, M.P. (2014, April 14). The cyberpsychology of child internet interface and the ethics of algorithms. [Invited lecture]. Cyber Ethics Public Forum (Part of the President of Ireland’s Ethics Initiative. Trinity College Dublin: Dublin, Ireland. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/3xlud5ZQyxc

Aiken M. P. (2013). “CyberPsychology: Cyber Insight, Tackling Technology Facilitated Problem Behaviour”. Presented at the Launch of the Cyber Psychology Research Centre, The Royal College of Surgeons. Dublin.

Aiken M. P. (2013). “The Psychology of Cyberspace”. Presented at Leading for the Future, The Royal College of Surgeons Gathering. Dublin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEoKRvTy_a0

Aiken M. P. (2013). “Cyberbullying & Cyberchondria: The Impact of Technology on Child and Adult Behaviour”. Presented at the Network Ireland AGM. Dublin.

Aiken M. P. (2013). “Forensic CyberPsychology Aspects of Cyberbullying”. Presented at the Student Council Conference. Drimnagh Castle. Dublin.

Chan, S., & Aiken, M. P. (2013). “Big Data to Big Insight for Human Trafficking: Analysis of Adaption Cycles for Digital Image Deployment on Online Classified Sites”. Presented at the White House Forum to Combat Human Trafficking. Washington D.C.

Aiken, M. P., Moran, M., & Berry, M. J., & O’Boyle, C. A. (2012). “Forensic CyberPsychology: Self-generated Content Online”. Presented at the 30th Meeting of the INTERPOL Specialist Group on Crimes against Children, Interpol General Secretariat Lyon, France. 4th – 7th June.

Aiken, M. P. “Cyberchondria: The Internet and Self-diagnosis”, RCSI Mini Med School Open Lecture Series, RCSI, Dublin, 28th November, 2012. Invited lecture.  https://vimeo.com/56746094

Aiken, M. P (2012). “Cyber Behavioural Profiling”. Paper presented at the Garda Síochána Analysis Service Conference, Dublin

Quayle, E., Aiken, M. P., & Cartwright, A. (2012). “Understanding the dynamics of online victimisation and victim narratives as an enabler for prevention”. In N. Gaughan (Chair). International Collaboration: An Enabler for Prevention. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Virtual Global Taskforce, Abu Dhabi.

Aiken, M. P. (2012) “Writings on the Psychology of New Media: The Psychology of Cyberchondria and ‘‘Cyberchondria by Proxy’’. Presented at the IADT Innovation Dublin Event 2012, Dublin.

Aiken, M. P. (2012). “Impact of Technology on People and Society: The CyberPsychology of a Better Internet”. Presented at the European Commission Safer Internet Forum, Brussels.

Aiken, M. P. (2012). Report to the Microsoft Research Faculty Summit July 16–17, 2012 – ‘Human Trafficking and Technology Implications’, “Cyberpsychology and the Role of Technology in Human Trafficking” Redmond, Washington, United States

Aiken, M. P. (2012). “Behavioural Escalation Online: Self-Generated Content”. Paper presented in the Post Graduate Oral Competition, Royal College of Surgeons Research Day, Dublin, April 2012. (Abstract Book. 80).

Aiken, M. P., Kirwan, G. H., Berry, M. J. & O’Boyle, C.A. (2012,).  “Cyberchondria: The Impact of Technology on Somatoform Disorders” Comorbidity within Psychiatric Disorders and Medical Illness Conference, 8th International Conference on Psychiatry, Jeddah, April 2012.

Aiken, M. P., Berry, M. J. & O’Boyle, C.A. (2012). “Behavioural Escalation Online: Self-generated Content”. Paper presented at the Risk-taking Online Behaviour, Young People, Harm and Resilience, European Commission Conference, Berlin, Germany, June 2012. Abstract retrieved fromhttp://www.childcentre.info/robert/d-young-peoples-agency-and-the-responsibility-to-protect/

Aiken, M. P., & Kirwan, G. H. (2011).  ” Prognoses for Diagnoses: Medical Search Online and “Cyberchondria”. Paper presented at the International Conference for Healthcare and Medical Students, Dublin, November 2011 (Abstract Book, 1, 82.)

Aiken, M. P. (2011).  “Prognoses for Diagnoses: Medical Search Online and “Cyberchondria”. Poster presented at the International Conference for Healthcare and Medical Students, Dublin, November 2011.

Aiken, M. P. (2011).  “Prognoses for Diagnoses: Medical Search Online and “Cyberchondria by Proxy”.  33rd Annual Congress for Psychology Students in Ireland, Cork, April 2011

Aiken, M. P. (2011).  “Prognoses for Diagnoses: Medical Search Online and “Cyberchondria by Proxy”. Poster presented at Cyberpsych. 2011, Virtual Immersive & Cyber Technologies Summer School, Dublin, June 2011.

Aiken, M. P., Berry, M. J., & Pilkington, H. (2011). ‘Who answers the authority’s requests for the public to help them in response to broadcasted criminal cases?  A study of viewers who contacted the presenters of crime documentaries on a dedicated web line”.  Paper presented at the International Crime, Media & Popular Cultures Conference, Indiana State University, US. 26th – 28th September 2011.

Berry, M. J., Bainbridge, S., & Aiken, M. P. (2011). “Cyber stalking in 18-30 year olds in Manchester”. Paper presented at the International Crime, Media & Popular Cultures Conference, Indiana State University, US. 26th – 28th September 2011.

Aiken, M. P., Moran, M., & Berry, M. J. (2011). “Child abuse material and the Internet: Cyberpsychology of online child-related sex offending”. Paper presented at the 29th Meeting of the INTERPOL Specialist Group on Crimes against Children, Interpol General Secretariat Lyon, France. 5th – 7th September 2011.

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